Knahaten Flu Elder Kings

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The Elder Scrolls: 10 Races From The Lore We Wish Were Playable. If Bethesda opted to introduce a new playable race to The Elder Scrolls franchise, these picks from the lore would be perfect. A Flu victim An infected ogre in the ruins of Orcest ca. 2E 582 The Knahaten Flu (also known as the Knahaten Plague or the Crimson Plague) was one of the deadliest diseases to infect the populace of Tamriel, lasting for 43 years, from the year 2E 560 to 2E 603. In 2E 560, the Knahaten Flu had sprung from the bowels of Black Marsh until it reached the skooma-dens of Black Kiergo. The clan leaders of Senchal dismissed the flu as a toxin in the skooma, however, it soon spread into Dagi's Pride and Squint-Eye, until it left the city for Alabaster, where it would spread across the province. Mages in the middle of Knahaten flu be like. A subreddit dedicated to the Elder Kings mod for Crusader Kings 2. Pretenders to the Ruby Throne. On the Knahaten Flu is a book in The Elder Scrolls Online.

< Online: Quests: Aldmeri Dominion / Reaper's March
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  • 2Detailed Walkthrough
Help the Lunar Champions in their first trial.
Zone:Reaper's March
This quest is part of the Zone Story
Faction:Aldmeri Dominion
Objective: Rawl'kha — Help the Lunar Champion begin a spiritual journey.
Quest Giver:Hadam-do
Location(s):Rawl'kha, Rawl'kha Temple
Prerequisite Quest:Grimmer Still, Stonefire Machinations, A Door Into Moonlight
Previous Quest:To Rawl'kha
Next Quest:The Path to Moonmont
Reward:Pathwalker's Shield
1 Skill Point
Very High Leveled Gold
XP Gain:High
The candidates begin the trial
I traveled to the city of Rawl'kha, where I'm to help the Lunar Champions begin their spiritual journey.

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Talk to Kauzanabi-jo inside Rawl'kha Temple.
  2. Watch the ceremony.
  3. Drink the Moon-Sugar Elixir.
  4. Talk to Shazah, or talk to Khali.
  5. Walk the path with the Lunar Champion.
  6. Walk the path with the next Lunar Champion.
  7. Talk to Kauzanabi-jo.
  8. Observe the ritual.
  9. Talk to Kauzanabi-jo.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

Knahaten Flu Elder Kings 2019

Talk to Hadam-do in Rawl'kha. He says that as the Moon-Hallowed, you are expected inside the Rawl'kha Temple. Enter the temple. You have the opportunity to speak with the Dominion elite before proceeding with the ritual. The Green Lady says the Wood Elves are deeply divided, so much so that she believes the Dominion is at its most vulnerable. Queen Ayrenn says the High Elves are cautious, but she says the Summerset Isles will continue to support Elsweyr. Mane Akkhuz-ri says he can never atone for his deeds, and he says he is Mane no longer. Lord Gharesh-ri says the Khajiit are talking about the situation with the Mane and two potential candidates.

When you're ready, speak with Kauzanabi-jo about the ritual. You can ask her questions about it, if you want. You will drink an elixir to make you 'more receptive to the touch of Jone and Jode' and then follow the Lunar Champions. Listen to Kauzanabi-jo as she invites the Lunar Champions to drink the elixir:

'We have gathered here to usher the Champions onto the next path. The trial path. These three cups contain moon-sugar elixir, a sacred potion. They will allow the light of the moons into your souls. Champions, step forth and drink the elixir. The third cup is for the Moon Hallowed, who will walk with the Champions on their path.'

Now it's your turn. Drink the Moon-Sugar Elixir from the center cup on the table. After you drink the elixir, you need to pick the Lunar Champion you wish to observe. You will be walking the path with both of them, this choice is simply who you are going to walk it with first.

Shazah's Path[edit]


Follow Shazah into the temple portal behind her. She notices there are zombies littering the area. She believes they are victims of the Knahaten Flu, whom her father worked to cure. She was always afraid of the flu victims as a child.

Knahaten Flu Elder Kings

Fight through the nightmarish flu victims to get to the next part of the temple. You do not have to kill all of them. The door to the next room is to the south. In the next room, watch as Shazah greets her father Ubraz. He will be her guide on the path. He tells you to pray at the shrines in the room to learn more of the past. There are three shrines representing different phases of the moon: Full, Waxing and Waning. You have to wait for each vision to end in order to use another shrine. Uad pultec eq plugin.


The three visions show Ubraz, Shazah's father, trying to cure the flu, but eventually failing and succumbing to the plague himself. Ask Shazah if she is ready to continue, then enter the next room.


There are three waves of enemies to defeat in the center of the room. Each wave has more than the previous. Once all of the Flu victims are dead, talk to Shazah in front of the northern door. She knew the people from the visions. They worked with her father, and one was her cook. She realizes that she must be brave like her sister. Enter the portal that appears to completes Shazah's trial.

Khali's Path[edit]

Talk to Khali, then enter the portal behind her. Cut your way through the Colovians that are in your way, then enter the next room through the door to the right.

Khali's mother, Namu appears. She is Khali's guide on the path. Namu tells you to use the three shrines in the room and watch the visions they show you. Use the three Moon Shrines and watch the visions. Each tells the story of Khali's mother and her efforts against the resistance. The final vision shows her death at the hands of Colovian General Quintilius. Talk to Khali after you use all three shrines. You will need to defeat General Quintilius, then speak to Khali again. She realizes that she fights to protect those she cares for. Follow her through the portal into the Temple Sanctuary.

Once you return, speak with to Kauzanabi-jo. There is one more step to the ceremony: the final cleansing. Watch the ritual, then speak to her again for your reward.

Quest Stages[edit]

The First Step
Finishes QuestJournal Entry
A priest at the Rawl'kha temple says everyone is awaiting me inside. I should follow him into the temple.
Within the temple at Rawl'kha, the elite of the Aldmeri Dominion have gathered to see the Champions begin the ritual. I should speak to Kauzanabi-jo to get started.
Objective: Talk to Kauzanabi-jo

Ayrenn and some of the other most important people in the Dominion are gathered at the temple. I could speak to them about this momentous occasion.

Hidden Objective: Talk to the Green Lady
Hidden Objective: Talk to Speaker Gharesh-ri
Kauzanabi-jo has commenced the cleansing ceremony. I should wait and watch.
Objective: Watch Ceremony
The Lunar Champions drank the moon-sugar elixir. The priestess wants me to drink as well.
I prepared for the ritual by drinking the moon-sugar elixir. I should speak to either Shazah or Khali to begin walking the path.
Complete one: Talk to Khali or Talk to Shazah
Khali and I have begun her part of the ritual. I should enter the portal that's appeared and see where it leads.
We walked into a vision of crumbling fortifications. Khali thinks the soldiers here are supposed to represent the military forces that slew her mother. We need to fight our way through to move on.
Objective: Fight Through the Visions
Khali entered this room hunting for more Colovians. I should wait and see what happens.
Khali's mother appeared to her and spoke of her relationship with Shazah. She instructed us to pray at the three lunar shrines to learn more about her past.
Hidden Objective: Vision 1
Hidden Objective: Vision 2
Hidden Objective: Vision 3
The visions seem to have rattled Khali. I should speak to her.
Objective: Talk to Khali
Khali and I must face her mother's killer, the Colovian General Quintilius, in order to complete her ritual.
We won the day against the vision of the Colovian General. I should speak to Khali once again.
Objective: Talk to Khali
Khali's vision journey is complete. We need to return to the Temple Sanctuary.
I walked the path with Khali. I need to speak to Shazah to begin her part of the ritual.
Objective: Talk to Shazah

I walked the path with Shazah. I need to speak to Khali to begin her part of the ritual.

(Only appears if the player walked the path with Shazah first)
Shazah and I have begun her part of the ritual. I should enter the portal that's appeared, and see where it leads.
Objective: Walk the Path with Shazah
We walked into a vision of a hut and strange, lurching creatures. Shazah thinks the creatures are supposed to represent victims of the Knahaten flu. We need to fight our way through to move on.
Shazah entered this room expecting to see her vision guide. I should wait and watch to see what happens.
Objective: Watch Shazah's Vision
Shazah's father appeared to her and spoke to her about her relationship with Khali. He instructed us to pray at the three lunar shrines to learn more about his past.
Objective: Use Waxing Moon Shrine
Objective: Use Full Moon Shrine
Objective: Use Waning Moon Shrine
The visions seem to have rattled Shazah. I should speak to her.
More of the visions of Knahaten flu victims have risen before us. Shazah and I will need to survive their attacks to complete the ritual.
Objective: Survive the Dead
We survived. I should speak to Shazah once again.
Objective: Talk to Shazah
Shazah's vision journey is complete. We need to return to the Temple Sanctuary.
I emerged from the vision quest with the Champions. I should speak to the lunar priest again.
Objective: Talk to Kauzanabi-jo
Kauzanabi-jo will now complete the Sacrament of the First Step. I should watch Shazah and Khali's final cleansing.
The Sacrament of the First Step is complete. I need to talk to Kauzanabi-jo.
Objective: Talk to Kauzanabi-jo
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Book Information
See AlsoLore version
CollectionShadowfen Lore
Found in the following locations:
  • North of the Deep Graves
  • Upper part of Cicatrice
by Archivist Neleminduure


How this disease began and spread is a mystery. By gathering information, I hope to resolve the issue.

Argonians appear immune to the flu. This has caused conjecture that they actually introduced the flu to retaliate for years of slavery at the hands of the Dark Elves. These claims have never been proven or disproven, and they require more research.


Methods that slowed the rapid spread of the flu included burning the belongings of infected people (which, unfortunately, sometimes including burning remaining family members); segregating the sick into ghettos (or walling them up); or putting the diseased onto ships and setting them adrift. Normal curative spells and elixirs were inconsistent in their ability to cure the flu.

Knahaten Flu Elder Kings 2020

Symptoms and Course:

General malaise, loss of appetite, and fatigue begins several hours before an afflicted victim develops other symptoms. The afflicted person's eyes water constantly. Skin develops a bright red granular rash that does not itch.

Within twenty-four to thirty-six hours, victims suffer nosebleeds, their tears contain blood, and a granular rash spreads over their bodies. At this point, victims develop a deep, raspy cough. Within thirty-six to forty-eight hours, the victims' coughs produce bloody phlegm.

In most cases, death takes place in as little as seventy-two hours after the initial onset, but some victims have lingered for five to seven days.

Crusader Kings 2 Game Of Thrones Mod


When the Knahaten Flu first spread, it seemed unstoppable. No reliable treatment against it has ever been proven.

Ten years ago, a young Redguard named Perizada claimed she'd had a vision from the Divines. She replicated the cure from this dream, testing it on a village scheduled to be razed (together with its inhabitants). Her cure worked, and the village was saved.

The cure required clannfear claws boiled in salt water. The patient would then drink the liquid. The increased trade of actual and purported clannfear claws on the black market caused prices to soar wildly. So many false cures had proven fatal that Perizada's cure was never officially sanctioned. As Perizada later died of the flu herself, its efficacy was eventually considered dubious at best.

The 'Clannfear Cure' has given rise to many other supposed cures, all of which involve boiling something in a liquid and then drinking the result. For the poorest of the population, chicken broth proved not only cheap, but easily obtained. It typically soothed their coughs, which in turn allowed patients to breathe more easily.

Chicken broth is definitely not a guaranteed cure, but it is certainly the most accessible. It is recommended, should this dread disease ever return.

As the granular skin rash was non-irritating, many left it untreated. Those whose rash remained covered—whether in bandages, poultices, or simply clothing—seemed less likely to infect those who attended them. This also accounts for the much slower spread of the disease in colder climates and during winter months.

Have you heard of other cures? If so, please submit your reports directly to me for further investigation.

Knahaten Flu Elder Kings Dominion

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